RCC framed structure with masonry wall partitions. Earthquake resistant structure for seismic Zone 3.
a. The structure will be designed as a RCC framed and a seismic resistant structure for Zone III.
b. In addition to the above, 'ductile detailing' will be followed For better structural response during earth quakes.
c. Lift wells will be designed as shear walls to absorb major part of the later loading.
d. Concrete grade of M35 will be used for longer durability of the structure. Use of other cementitious materials such as GGBS, fly ash and micro silica will be considered to Increase the durability of the structure to 75 years.
e. Concrete walls with limiting crack width' of 0.2 mm will be build around basement areas to keep the area water light.
f. Membrane water proofing will be provided around the basement walls for water tightness and longer durability.
g. As an alternative, it may be considered to construct the complete structure using monolithic shear walls. This way, the construction will be faster and can completely eliminate the use of block/brick works. As per the IS standards a minimum column size of 300 mm has to be used in zone III. If monolithic wall construction is used, the construction can be completed with 200 mm thick walls for lower floors and 150 thick walls for upper floors. This technology will avoid column projections inside the rooms making the construction faster.
h. Building Information Modelling (BIM) will be implemented in the design stage to identify areas of operational hazards.
The masonry unit used shall be solid/cellular of cement concrete blocks/burnt bricks/burnt clay blocks/lightweight masonry blocks.
Vitrified/Ceramic tiles.
2 coats of Acrylic emulsion on putty finish.
Teak hard wood / equivalents.
Engineered door frame with moulded/laminate flush door.
Engineered door frame with moulded/laminate flush door.
Made of powder coated Aluminum sections/UPVC with combination of fixed and open able/sliding window panels.
Made of powder coated Aluminum sections/UPVC sections, with Sliding/fixed/open able panels.
Part grill of mild steel for windows or handrail on window sunshade.
Railing of SS/Toughened glass.
Concealed wiring with superior quality PVC insulated copper cables, adequate light, fan, 6/16 ampere power plug points controlled by ELCB and MCB independent energy meter for each apartment.
Modular Switches of make Legrand/Crabtree/Equivalent.
TV provision in living and master bedroom.
Generator back up for lights and fan.
Telephone provision in living and Master bedroom.
Provision to fit split type air conditioner shall be provided for all bedrooms and living with energized power point.
WATER CLOSETS-AII bathrooms with western style wall hung EWC: Vitra/Kohler or Equivalent.
WASH BASINS-AII bathrooms with wash basins above counter/below counter/bowl type. Vitra/Kohler or Equivalent
MAIDS BATHROOM-western style wall hung EWC: Vitra/Kohler or Equivalent.
TAPS-Chromium plated bathroom faucets. Grohe/Vitra/Kohler or Equivalent.
HOT AND COLD WATER PROVISION-Hot and cold water tap provision shall be provided with mixing facility for kitchen sink and all bath mixer taps.
Water Supply through underground sump tank and overhead tank of sufficient storage capacity. Individual water metering of domestic water connection for each residence without extra cost.
Covered/open car parking at extra cost.
Fire Fighting arrangements as per the Kerala Fire Fighting Department Norms.
Reticulated LPG Gas with individual consumption metering.